Open OpenOffice documents from a network share using nautilus

Under my gnome desktop, I had a problem when tired to open documents from a network share with OpenOffice. When I tired the spalsh screen appeared, but the document did not open.

After some searching I found the debian squeze has a package I was curious what is the difference between the standard package and this one. Soon I found it's home page:

Almost the first line said:

Gnome-VFS - G/OO.o allows transparent access to allow documents to be loaded / saved from a range of Gnome VFS backends, eg. Samba shares.

I installed and the problem went away.

django-expense v0.2.0

Django-expense, a simple personal expense tracker application for Django.

Version 0.2.0 has just released with the following new features:

  • Charts, using flot jQuery library.

  • Updated documentation with screen shoots.

  • Fixed expense screen appearance with django 1.3.

  • Added test application into the source tree to make trying/testing easier.
  • Added initial data.

Source code is available on bitbucket.

If you have any question, feel free to open a ticket or send a message.

Have fun!